I'm looking. I'm seeing you advice those who may not have you 'alleged'
grip on this with questionable suggestions.
I installes something like around 600 Vista OSs and never had a
probplem with any instalation.
I never use a spell chacker either.... but I don't lie.
Let Vista do it's thing and only then you
install the rest.
It starts with the install.... then comes VISTA.
It eliminates a lot of future problems people get were
win wants to install updates and can't etc.
MAYBE that person doesn't WANT automatic updates, eh? Ever thought of
such a thing? CONTROLLING what your computer does or doesn't do ??
UNDERSTANDING where problems may have crepts in by following a
proceedure that lets you keep tabs on changes?
I make a living fixing comps
and have been with vista since RC1.
You darned sure don't make a living spelling or think much about your advice.
27 years now... started with a TRS80 and then Macs.... moved to PCs
with the advent of Win-95. About 30% of my income comes from working
on PCs,.... so my child, I HAVE TRIED IT.
It's not advisable.... I don't care that you have installed an average of over
three VISTA OS-es per day since the release, even though we all know
that is a serious crock of crap. Never let a new monster loose to "Do it's
thing". If you don't know what the OS consists of before you slam into
"automated" mode, you're a goner for EVER having a grip on what may
develop as an 'issue'. Even on an upgrade.... if it's not coming as a
download, the only *safe* thing to do is get a million miles from the I-net
and then configure the system properly for internet protocols when it's
loaded... then decide what bullshit processes you want updating themselves
OR NOT as they rear their ugly heads.
David B. Morgan (MAMS)
Morgan Audio Media Service
http://www.m-a-m-s DOT com
Dallas, Texas (214) 662-9901