I wasn't too sure what newsgroup forum to post this, so I
thought this may be the best place. Anyhow, my question
is Vesa Drivers. I know 2000 and XP don't normally
enable the use of Vesa Drivers and the support for DOS in
2000 and XP is very low. But I'm trying to run a DOS
based program that needs Vesa Drivers to run. My
question is how do I install Vesa Drivers exactly?
Someone told me that I needed to but it in the System32
file, but I just don't know what to type, or where in the
System32 to out whatever it is I need to enable the Vesa
Drivers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
thought this may be the best place. Anyhow, my question
is Vesa Drivers. I know 2000 and XP don't normally
enable the use of Vesa Drivers and the support for DOS in
2000 and XP is very low. But I'm trying to run a DOS
based program that needs Vesa Drivers to run. My
question is how do I install Vesa Drivers exactly?
Someone told me that I needed to but it in the System32
file, but I just don't know what to type, or where in the
System32 to out whatever it is I need to enable the Vesa
Drivers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.