Installing to GAC using WIX



So, I have a bunch of dll's. I want to create an MSI file in wix that
installs them into C:/Windows/Assembly, I have tried doing the
following but it doesnt work for installation of the files (ie.
replicating the drag and drop action)

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="WindowsFolder">
<Directory Id="AssemblyFolder">

<Component Id="InstallComponent" Guid="guild goes here">
<File Id='xxxx.dll' KeyPath="yes" Name='xxxx.dll'
LongName="xxxxxxxxx.dll" DiskId='1' src='C:/Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.dll' /</Component>



So, I have a bunch of dll's. I want to create an MSI file in wix that
installs them into C:/Windows/Assembly, I have tried doing the
following but it doesnt work for installation of the files (ie.
replicating the drag and drop action)

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="WindowsFolder">
<Directory Id="AssemblyFolder">

<Component Id="InstallComponent" Guid="guild goes here">
<File Id='xxxx.dll' KeyPath="yes" Name='xxxx.dll'
LongName="xxxxxxxxx.dll" DiskId='1' src='C:/Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.dll' /



and i forgot to put the error i'm getting on compilation using vs

Error 1 Unresolved reference to symbol 'Component:productComponent' in
section 'Product:B72F8590-09FD-11DC-9C70-B48C55D89593'. C:\Documents
and Settings\GE20\My Documents\development work\GAC installation\GAC


So, I have a bunch of dll's. I want to create an MSI file in wix that
installs them into C:/Windows/Assembly, I have tried doing the
following but it doesnt work for installation of the files (ie.
replicating the drag and drop action)

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="WindowsFolder">
<Directory Id="AssemblyFolder">

<Component Id="InstallComponent" Guid="guild goes here">
<File Id='xxxx.dll' KeyPath="yes" Name='xxxx.dll'
LongName="xxxxxxxxx.dll" DiskId='1' src='C:/Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.dll' /



and i forgot to put the error

Error 1 Unresolved reference to symbol 'Component:productComponent' in
section 'Product:B72F8590-09FD-11DC-9C70-B48C55D89593'.

John Vottero

So, I have a bunch of dll's. I want to create an MSI file in wix that
installs them into C:/Windows/Assembly, I have tried doing the
following but it doesnt work for installation of the files (ie.
replicating the drag and drop action)

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="WindowsFolder">
<Directory Id="AssemblyFolder">

<Component Id="InstallComponent" Guid="guild goes here">
<File Id='xxxx.dll' KeyPath="yes" Name='xxxx.dll'
LongName="xxxxxxxxx.dll" DiskId='1' src='C:/Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.dll' /

In the <File> element, you need to add

AssemblyManifest='xxxx.dll' (or whatever your file ID really is)

That may not be the only problem, the error isn't something I've seen

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