Installing Sims Game

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ray_Viegas
  • Start date Start date


Can anyone assist with installation of a Sims game for my
granddaughter, where I keep getting a message:
"error getting language from the registry"?
Tried and tried, but always get the same message which
then aborts the installation.
Thanks much.
Hi Ray,

Here's a few solutions when faced with a language error, which
by the way usually indicates that the setup program can't properly
read and interpret the installation files.

1. Clean your CD/DVD and CD/DVD player using a kit sold at
your local retailer.

2. Rename the installshield folder in "c:/program files/commonfiles"
to "c:/program files/common files/installshieldold".

3. Copy the CD/DVD onto your hard drive, and run the install program
from there. To copy the CD/DVD, open My Computer, right-click
the CD/DVD, and select COPY. Then right click your hard drive,
and select PASTE. You can now browse that folder run the setup.

Hope the above helps you. Let me know if you need more suggestions! :-)

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

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| Can anyone assist with installation of a Sims game for my
| granddaughter, where I keep getting a message:
| "error getting language from the registry"?
| Tried and tried, but always get the same message which
| then aborts the installation.
| Thanks much.