I've just received the free XP Home Service Pack 2 CD from the wonderful Mr.
Gates. Can I just run & install it or are there pratfalls awaiting me? Will
my video & CD / DVD drivers etc work afterwards ?
If it turns out to be a catastophe, can I rescue myself via Control Panel
Add/Remove ?
My PC is a Compaq Presario, about 3 yrs old
Thanks for all advice
I've just received the free XP Home Service Pack 2 CD from the wonderful Mr.
Gates. Can I just run & install it or are there pratfalls awaiting me? Will
my video & CD / DVD drivers etc work afterwards ?
If it turns out to be a catastophe, can I rescue myself via Control Panel
Add/Remove ?
My PC is a Compaq Presario, about 3 yrs old
Thanks for all advice