I am trying to install Palm Software and the Install Wizard software doesnt run. Can I change a setting or is there a way I can do this automatically? Thanks, Jimmy
Jimmy said:I am trying to install Palm Software and the Install Wizard software doesnt run. Can I change a setting or is there a way I can do this automatically? Thanks, Jimmy
both the DVD/CD ROM tray and the CDR tray, both unsuccessfully. When I loadjimmy said:I am running XP on a Sony Vaio. I have tried running the Palm software in
software. Most of what they post is Third Party Application software forPS: I did go to Palm.Com but it is nearly impossible to find this
Jimmy,Jimmy said:Rob,
1. Start/Control Panel/Admin. Tools/Services, Check that the Plug & Play;
Universal Plug & Play Devices are enabled.
I followed this path and in fact the Universal Plug and Play Devices setting had not
been Started. I Started it but still no luck getting the cd software to start up.
I have tried the Add Hardware method several times. I go to Add the Palm Software
and the CPU starts running but nothing pops up?
I'm dazed. You think this may be a known XP or Palm bug?