Chad Harris
In two scenarios, what is best practice in terms of saving Outlook emails,
calendar configurations and tweaks to the calendar , and any other changes
or changes you've made? Have Office XP Pro and Win XP Pro SP1, OE6SP1, IE6
1) Installing Office 2003 Pro or Standard or Student with Office XP Pro in.
2) Installing Outlook 2003 as a stand alone with Office XP in.
My concern is any special steps to preserve Outlook 2002. I've been advised
that you can install Office 2003 *over* Office XP and you'll get the option
as to which components to save. But I'm not sure of the optimal way to
handle Outlook. Any advice that also touches on installing Office 2003 over
Office 2002 versus *uninstalling* would be appreciated.
Would appreciate some advice.
Chad Harris
calendar configurations and tweaks to the calendar , and any other changes
or changes you've made? Have Office XP Pro and Win XP Pro SP1, OE6SP1, IE6
1) Installing Office 2003 Pro or Standard or Student with Office XP Pro in.
2) Installing Outlook 2003 as a stand alone with Office XP in.
My concern is any special steps to preserve Outlook 2002. I've been advised
that you can install Office 2003 *over* Office XP and you'll get the option
as to which components to save. But I'm not sure of the optimal way to
handle Outlook. Any advice that also touches on installing Office 2003 over
Office 2002 versus *uninstalling* would be appreciated.
Would appreciate some advice.
Chad Harris