I have a VISTA laptop that came with Office 2010 pre-installed, but
not activated until I pay the price for it. I have Office 2007 on CD
and would like to install it.
(1) Can I install this earlier Office 2007 version and keep the 2010
on the HD to activate if I want to pay for it later?
(2) Do I have to uninstall the Office 2010 preinstall first?
(3) Give me my options, please
not activated until I pay the price for it. I have Office 2007 on CD
and would like to install it.
(1) Can I install this earlier Office 2007 version and keep the 2010
on the HD to activate if I want to pay for it later?
(2) Do I have to uninstall the Office 2010 preinstall first?
(3) Give me my options, please