Installing new HDD

Jan 2, 2008
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Once you have installed a new HDD, is it usually recommended to format the HDD first before installing Win XP?

Some ppl told me you must format the HDD first.

Is this true?

If so, how do we format HDD before win xp installation? Do I need to go into DOS and enter some command prompts? If not, will I need to run a HDD formatter software first?
When you install XP it will format the disk as part of the installation :thumb:
And if it's a secondary disk you can do it through the control panel and disk management, either SATA or PATA.
Is this true?

Some people open their mouth and their ass takes over. ;)

DOS (Disk Operating System), originally an 8bit OS, went by the wayside in 1995, some of us remember DOS and ... Windows 95. :lol:

Today we use automated processes ... stick the CD in the drive, start it up at 8am, and you may finish on the same day. :D


and just finally......

Is it usually recommended to partition the HDD or not necessary? It gives me an option to partition the HDD or install win XP straight on HDD
you have to create a partition during the install, the majority of people will just make one that uses the entire hard drive, its up to you if you want to split it into more than one though
as you can see it is unpartitioned, so hit C and make one then you'll come back to that screen and you can hit enter
hi, but if you install it straight on (by pressing "Enter") are their any disadvantages in doing that?
sorry, im a bit confused now. Using the example above in the link, it gives 3 options. If I choose the first option which is simply pressing ENTER and it installs win xp , that means I haven't partitioned HDD (which is the 2nd option by pressing C) ?
Just press enter, it will do it all for you.
