Mark Fraser
Having just purchased a new 120GB 7200rpm HD, I'm wonderring if I should
just install it as my 'second' drive with the minimum of fuss or if I should
use it as my 'Master' drive, (excuse my potential lack of knowledge here) as
my boot disk. This I assume would mean reainstalling Windows and a lot of
fuss. The only reason I feel the need for this is that my current 60GB
Master is a 5400rpm disk. Is it worth the effort - will I see a faster boot
and file retrieval / saving on the new disk? Since my current shortage of
space is caused by audio and video files, perhaps I should just hold those
on the new drive as a slave and leave thing as they are???
just install it as my 'second' drive with the minimum of fuss or if I should
use it as my 'Master' drive, (excuse my potential lack of knowledge here) as
my boot disk. This I assume would mean reainstalling Windows and a lot of
fuss. The only reason I feel the need for this is that my current 60GB
Master is a 5400rpm disk. Is it worth the effort - will I see a faster boot
and file retrieval / saving on the new disk? Since my current shortage of
space is caused by audio and video files, perhaps I should just hold those
on the new drive as a slave and leave thing as they are???