Windows XP Installing MSN Messenger

Mar 5, 2004
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Im using msn web messenger at work, but its crap. I was wondering if anyone knew how to install MSN Messenger on a computer at work. It says something stupid like i dont have permissions etc etc.

A very bored at work Bodhi. :-0
I don't think you will be able to - your only hope is to try some 3rd Party stuff like trillian, or MSN Web Messenger :)
Your 'system administrator' has good reason to bar MSN from the workplace ... if you are that bored, get another job.

I would mate, but this job pays a lot of money and i only have 6 weeks left!! ;-)
Ok, have you tried,

there are around three login things, 1 for msn users, an aol one and a beta msn one.

I use the msn beta, its the one at the bottom, on our school computers, it works ok, the best web based messenger i have used!