Installing Deepin using Universal USB Boot Installer

Mar 20, 2007
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After briefly experiencing Windows 8.1 and seeing reviews of Windows 10 I'm considering the future.

To this end I found a distro I liked the look of (Deepin) and used Universal USB Boot Installer to carry out the necessary for me.

On booting up from the usb the installer kicks in, first task to choose a PC name and password. So far so good. The second screen to load is pictured as per the upload below. Now this one scared the horses. Or more particularly, me. Am I right in thinking that the bottom highlighted band indicates that the Deepin installation will be installed to a partition in windows named /dev/sda3? Is it safe to click install without borking up my windows installation? Look forward to replies, thanks in advance.
yep, you will bork up your Windows. :)

What version of Windows are you using?

If Win 7, MHO is, don't bother, stay with 7 for now and sit on the fence.

If you really want to "try" Linux out, get a cheap second hard drive an use it for Linux installs ... oh, and pick a Distro of Linux that is more well known to be a hell of a lot friendlier to install & use ... most of the popular Distros, like Ubuntu or Mint etc, will not touch your Windows install, unlike the one you are looking at.

Another alternative is to use a VirtualBox, like Oracl's VM VirtualBox it will let you "play" with any operating system you care to think of ... a reasonable PC would be desirable with at least 8MB ram (16MB better) to fluently use VB.

Oh, and if you are a "gamer", have a bloody good look to see if your 'game' will even install in Linux, never mind any flashy mouse you may have.

Continue to ask questions, we're here to try and help ... there is NO silly questions. :)

Thanks for your advice muckshifter.

Yes, I'm using Win 7. I do have an old laptop drive installed in a caddy. Mint was my second choice to Deepin so I'll download that, install it to the drive and have a play.

My previous attempt to download a distro was with LinuxLive USB Key software. I chose to let the software download the distro. It eat up 4.5GB of my bandwidth and on booting loaded up the Oracle VM VirtualBox all loaded at the grub prompt. I didn't get very far...

Anyway I'll not go there again for a while. Mint and the external drive next step. Gaming... I did used to enjoy a session of Crash Bandicoot back in't day ;)
Muck's is dead on the money, you will loose your Windows if you install to that partition.

You might find this thread of some interest as the tool described allows you to try out any number of linux os's in safety. Bear in mind that as you are loading from a usb stick this will be slower than if you had done an actual install. You do however get to try out many of the different offerings in linux in a safe way and get the chance to see stuff in real life as opposed to reading about it.

There are a lot of linux os's that can be tried out from a cd/dvd or usb stick. Some are specially developed to run permanently from such medium and work very well indeed. Some are developed just so that you can get a feel for the os and may not fully function in all areas as they are developed for permanent hdd/ssd install, so bear that in mind if trialling any.

The advice above to install to a separate drive is sound advice. I always unhook my Windows drive before I install a penguin. That way I am 100% sure that neither os will interfer with the other :cool:
Thanks for posting Abarbarian, I've followed your link and there's a bit to go at there. I'll be coming back for another look as my present interest with Linux continues...
Whatever you do. Make a full cloned backup of your running pc first. Saves a lot of tears down the line. :lol:
Whatever you do. Make a full cloned backup of your running pc first. Saves a lot of tears down the line. :lol:

Will do Abarbarian. Thanks again to yourself and muckshifter for advice and offers of future support. Good to know. :thumb: