AChiodini said:
Can anyone tell me where to find the instructions on how
do I configure an AD integrated DNS server for one domain
to host dns for another seperate AD domain in a new
Easy! Just create the zone name for the new domain in the new forest, then
on the machine that you will promote for this new domain in it's new forest,
set the DNS address to your DNS server only and all the registrations and
lookups will go to your machine. You can make the zone AD Integrated if you
like, or keep it primary.
Zone type is just specifying where you want the zone information to be
stored, that's it. If Primary, it's a text file in system32\dns folder. If
AD Integrated, the it's stored in the Domain NC (domain partition) of the AD
Database. In this case, it will be stored in the Domain NC of the original
server's domain but not in the new domain.
Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.
Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory