Installing 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

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I want to upgrade to 64 Bit Vista Ultimate. I am running 32 bit XP Pro. Is
Vista going to require a clean install? Can a clean install be completed with
the upgrade download or do I need to buy the boxed upgrade?
Gary - Chicago said:
I want to upgrade to 64 Bit Vista Ultimate. I am running 32 bit XP Pro. Is
Vista going to require a clean install? Can a clean install be completed
the upgrade download or do I need to buy the boxed upgrade?

You can use an upgrade version to go from x86 Vista to x64, but only as a
clean install. Start the upgrade by booting from the DVD with x86 Vista
installed. I don't know about the download, though. No experience with
A clean install will be required. I would strongly advise you to buy the
actual Retail Upgrade DVD in a box.
And why pray tell would he want to do that? For what legal or technical
reasons is that necessary? MS designed the install process so that you can
use Vista to upgrade Vista should you need to. Nothing in the EULA we've
seen prevents that and many web sites have been posting about this now well
documented "undocumented" feature. I don't mind you drinking the MS
kool-aid but the rest of the world isn't required to do so.

Bob S.

Try to be helpful and not pick his pocket. We've read the hype, we've done
what the Vista upgrade advisor said - and now you want more money????
Nothing to do with 'more money'. It would cost approximately the same
buying the upgrade over the internet from Microsoft as it would buying the
retail upgrade box. The retail upgrade box may even be cheaper, depending
on where the OP shops.

I am advising that the OP buy a physical DVD as the online purchase scheme
is rather untested as regards migrating to x64. There have been problems
enough with the 32 bit upgrade purchased from Windowsmarketplace. A
physical DVD is a far safer option.

Alternatively, the OP could buy OEM.
Good answer and I'll apologize for my comments to you. While it may have
taken more effort to explain your reasoning in your first response, it would
have made things crystal clear right then as to "why" you're recommending
that action.

I've not read that the digital downloads were having any particular problems
but hey, if they're messing up the product keys for the Family Packs (as
they did), anything is possible.

Bob S.