Installing 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter Al Camp
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Al Camp

I have Access 97 and Access 2000 installed on my XP Pro computer.
I plan to install Access 2003 (Upgrade version).
Of course, I'll be installing it to it's own directory.

Any advice or information on possible problems I might run into?
Any stability problems associated with Access 2003?
Pros... Cons?

Thanks in advance for any help...

Al Camp
Hard to believe that no one could take a moment to offer any reply (yea or
nay) on this very "basic" question...

Since installing Access97 and Access 2000 on the same machine had problems,
I didn't think my question was unreasonable.

I have already successfully installed Access 2003.
Al Camp
There are no major issues with having all three versions on the same
machine. This issue has been discussed many times on the NG's.
As for the stability of Access 2003, this also has been discussed at
length. A googleGroups search would yield many hits on both of your


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the reply....
Have visited you excellent web site many times, and use your SetGetSB to
keep my subforms from "jumping" after a Requery. It works great!

You wrote...
There are no major issues with having all three versions on the same
Well, that's really all I needed to know.

I'd like to defend my question, and my follow up post a bit...

Previous to my post, I searched the MSKB and didn't find anything about
multi-version conflicts with installing 2003, so I thought I'd just run a
quick check by the NG to be sure.
I found 70 or so hits in GettingStarted under "Installing 2003", and
only got 1 hit... a post that never got a reply either. ( Dec 11 2003 )

My point is that I would have thought it much more "productive" if
someone would have taken just taken a minute to let me know that there were
no significant muliti-version installation problems associated with Access
2003, than to offer a 20 minute Google Group search as a solution.
Personally, I have had a lot success with solving problems via web
searches and resources, but very little with NG searches.

And, couldn't we just apply the "search the newsgroup" solution to all
common and repetitive newsgroup questions? Perennial questions such as,
"How do I use Combo1 to restrict the records displayed in Combo2?", or...
"Why do I get #Error when I add an unbound calculated field in my report
footer?", or the ever popular "How do I filter my report by the value on my
form?", etc etc.
I know that I (and you too) have answered these old chestnuts a
"gajillion" times, and will continue to do so in the future.

Again, thanks for your reply, and I hope you take my comments in the
spirit with which they are offered.
Al Camp
Al, I could be mistaken, but I *believe* the EULA of an
upgrade version requires that the lower version be removed
from the machine. The upgrade version may actually overwrite
your previous version. I'm sure I will be corrected if I am
wrong in that assessment.

Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie
Bend, Oregon

in message:
Only time will tell, but I've been doing design work with my Access97
since the install, and I ran a quickie A2K check, and they seem to be doing
OK. This week, I'll be starting a new 2003 project, so while 2003 appears
to be OK... that should "wring it out".
One thing I did notice though was when I brought a couple of small 2000
mdbs into 2003... 2003 tried to tell me that my files had a virus. I
brought them in anyway, and they appear to run OK.

But, right now, I'm going with Stephen Lebans (it should be no problem)
response. I would certainly think he would be right up to snuff on that

Thanks for replying,
Al Camp
Hard to believe that no one could take a moment to offer any reply (yea or
nay) on this very "basic" question...

Well, not every question gets answered; we're all volunteers, we're
all busy people, and we're all human and imperfect. I don't recall
seeing this particular question but it's very likely I missed it.
Since installing Access97 and Access 2000 on the same machine had problems,
I didn't think my question was unreasonable.

I have already successfully installed Access 2003.
Al Camp

I have Access 2.0, 97, 2000, XP and 2003 all installed together, and
all working well together. I haven't done anything in 2.0 lately but
all the rest are getting some exercise. 2000, 2002 and 2003 all
default to A2000 database format; 2002 and 2003 share a database
format that's only slightly different; anything from 2000 on can save
a database in any version from 97 through its own current version
(unless, of course, you try to convert a database with features which
did not exist in the earlier version).

Just FWIW I like 2003; there have been a few little hassles but no big

John W. Vinson[MVP]
Al your question regarding compatability has been asked repeatedly since
the introduction of Access 2003. A GoogleGroups search has always worked
better for me than a plain Web search.
install 2003 97 group:*access*
Yields a couple of hundred hits, many of them specific to the search

I do feel stongly suggesting a GoogleGroups search on such a common
topic that has been repeatedly discussed in the NG's. I take it as
laziness, though perhaps not always fairly, when a poster requests info
that is already readily available.

I extensively use GoolgeGroups myself. In over several hundred detailed
searches for specific programmming issues I have required assistance
with, only a handful have not resulted in at least a partial solution.
Let's face it, unless you are working on the bleeding edge, your issue
has already been encountered by someone else and a resolution, it it
exists, been posted.
These days, the ability to search the NG's, MSDN and the MS KB are as
important or even more important than raw intelligence when it comes to
solving programming issues.

Finally, you have been around these NG's on and off for several years.
You should know better.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Thanks John,
I think everything should be OK with the multi-install.
Appreciate your response.
Al Camp
You wrote...
Finally, you have been around these NG's on and off for several years.
You should know better.

I think you made some good points, and it's obvious that your Google
newsgroup searching ability is far superior to mine...but that comment at
the end was just rude and uncalled for.
I politely disagreed with you, and there was no need for that "parting
shot" remark. It was not worthy of your argument, nor your respected
status within the Access community.
You should know better.
Al Camp
Touche Al.

The great thing about the NG's is that if you really don't agree with
someone you can simply place them in your killfile. I find this method
greatly enhances my NG experience.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.