Hi there...
Be sure you check the User directory in Control Panel...click on your
name if you are administrator and check to see you are in fact checked
there to be the system's admin.
Also...when installing a program...as you continue to follow-through in
installation, be sure the path is correct if you are installing as an
ie:, If your main drive is C,
make sure the program path specified during install is:
C:\Program Files\name of the program or folder - name of the program
Also...if you have programs last used appearing on the left when you
click start...you can then right click to pin to start menu.
You can specify how many programs show up here by doing this:
Right click on an empty area of the taskbar
Click Properties
Click the Start Menu tab on the window that opens
Click the Customize button
Where it says "Number of Programs on StartMenu...add any number you want
in here.
Click ok...then apply and ok.
Recently opened programs will then show up to the left when you click on
start. It is from there you can right-click and pin to the start menu.
Also..you can right-click and remove the recent entries there as well.
Take Care...