I am in the process of finishing the development of a client server database
application that uses Firebird. I would like to try and make the
installation as 'pain free' and easy as possible for the network engineers
who have to install it.
With that in mind I would like to ask if this is reasonable:
On the server:
1) In my installation routine's instructions I tell the users/network
manager to install the database for my app, 'myDatabase' to a NON mapped
2) make my applications folder shared, but do not change its share name.
3) Allow Firebird database sever to install to its default position on c:
On the client machines:
1) Get my app's client installation routine to prompt the users/network
manager for the tcp/ip connection string for mydatabase and save it to a
local ini file. Connection string is in the format:
2) write my app so that it reads the ini file for the connection string
3) write a routine that creates a unc path from the tcp/ip connection
string. (This is the bit I am really unsure of. If I have told said to make
the database folder shared and NOT change the name, is there likely to be
any problems with simply adding '\\' at the beginning and removing
':driveLetter:' ie serverName:driveLetter:\applicationFolder\ will become:
\\serverName\shareName\ as applicationFolder will be the same as
4) write my app so it checks to see if it is registered by reading from the
ini file using the constructed UNC path
This final 2 steps would allow my software to be registered once, rather
than separately on each client machine.
Thanks for any help given on this, I'm new to programming for networks!
I am in the process of finishing the development of a client server database
application that uses Firebird. I would like to try and make the
installation as 'pain free' and easy as possible for the network engineers
who have to install it.
With that in mind I would like to ask if this is reasonable:
On the server:
1) In my installation routine's instructions I tell the users/network
manager to install the database for my app, 'myDatabase' to a NON mapped
2) make my applications folder shared, but do not change its share name.
3) Allow Firebird database sever to install to its default position on c:
On the client machines:
1) Get my app's client installation routine to prompt the users/network
manager for the tcp/ip connection string for mydatabase and save it to a
local ini file. Connection string is in the format:
2) write my app so that it reads the ini file for the connection string
3) write a routine that creates a unc path from the tcp/ip connection
string. (This is the bit I am really unsure of. If I have told said to make
the database folder shared and NOT change the name, is there likely to be
any problems with simply adding '\\' at the beginning and removing
':driveLetter:' ie serverName:driveLetter:\applicationFolder\ will become:
\\serverName\shareName\ as applicationFolder will be the same as
4) write my app so it checks to see if it is registered by reading from the
ini file using the constructed UNC path
This final 2 steps would allow my software to be registered once, rather
than separately on each client machine.
Thanks for any help given on this, I'm new to programming for networks!