You haven't given any details of the hardware you are using so the
instructions are going to be very general.
In general, you'll need to have the SATA RAID drivers available on a floppy
disk ready for the install process - you'll find them on your mainboard CD
or manufacturers website, or if relevant on the CD with a PCI card-based
controller. The exception to this is if you are using a mainboard with the
Intel ICHR5 chipset which *fully* integrates the RAID controller allowing
the generic drivers on the XP CD to be used.
Set up your array using the RAID utility provided with the mainboard or
controller and then set the BIOS to boot from CD and insert the XP CD.
As the XP set-up begins you will be prompted to 'Press F6 to specify
third-party RAID or SCSI drivers' - at this point you should press F6 and,
when asked, insert the floppy disk with the relevant drivers. Select the
appropriate driver when asked and continue with the setup. There may be
some delays during this process and the set-up may appear to be continuing
without recognising the key-press - so don't panic.
When successful you'll be able to select the RAID 0 array to install on - it
will appear as a single drive. If you are not given the array as an option,
or it is not the correct size, you have not completed the procedure
correctly. Check you are using the correct drivers, have any relevant BIOS
updates for your mainboard, and try again.
Hope that helps