Installation of defender

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Even after copying gdoplus.dll in the system folder I am not able to install
defender in Windows 2000 pro with service pack 4 .I get the following error
"Windows defender requires GDI+ Please load the Windows 2000 security
software prerequiste pack.To view a list of all installation
requirements,visit the microsoft website: "
Any solutions please
I have copied the right file at the right location ,after all there is only
one file to be copied!!!!!
I'm not being critical--just checking, since the details that you posted
don't match perfectly with what needs to happen.

If, in fact, you've obtained this file from this source:

and unzipped the download, and placed gdiplus.dll in %systemroot%\system32

then I'm at a loss to explain what you are seeing--this has worked for many

Just to check, here are the details of my file in that location, on a
Windows 2000 server:

Directory of C:\WINNT\system32

05/04/2004 12:53p 1,645,320 gdiplus.dll

Not all installations of Windows 2000 are in \winnt, but most are. Does the
file size match yours?

That really wasn't well worded. If you used %systemroot%\system32 to
determine the correct location, the file will be in the right location.
Some Windows 2000 installs are in \windows, others in \winnt, and of course
the drive letter need not be C--so i'd like to confirm both the name and
size of the file, and that it is with the other system files for your
particular Windows 2000 server.
Ok fine ,no problems on cross checking .I am a system engineer myself so know
where to place the file.I have downloaded from the same loacation ,a zipped
file and on unzipping a dll file a licence file and a redist file result.I
have tried in three systems but same error.
OK - I don't know what is happening. File corruption on the download seems
unlikely. You've got the right file from the right source, and are putting
it in the right location. I'm afraid my knowledge of search paths on
Windows 2000 fails me--what would be ahead of /system32? Is it possible
that there is a different-version of the same .dll file also on the search
path which is getting hit ahead of the one in /system32?

I have searched and there is only one file .I also tried in a different
system where I copied gdiplus.dll in system32 ,before copying I checked there
was no such file .
But still the same error when I try to install defender.
What's the name of the Defender installation file? Is it
Windowsdefender.msi, or is there a 64 on the end? (grasping at straws...)

Having W2000 I did received the same GDI msg, I done what they requested BUT
when I tried to run the msi file the following msg shows : "000Documentos" is
not a valid short file name. I downloaded the Windows Installer file
msicuu2.exe but could not install it and the following msg shows uo Error
1325 "000Documentos" is not a valid short file name. The I went to and runned both
Vleal Up and Tune Up Tools. Problem was solved and I did install the W
Hope this also works for you

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