David Wilkinson said:
Norman said:
Does anybody know if there are any issues installing VC6 after VC7?
Do you want to change your JIT settings? Yes or no. By now I've
forgotten what I answered.
Can you guess what component is asking? [...]
I'm not quite sure what you are asking/saying here. Does it have
specifically to do with installing VC6 after VC7?
While installing Visual Studio 6 after Visual Studio 7.1, a popup asked if
want to change my JIT settings. Allowable answers were yes or no. By now
I've forgotten what I answered. I don't know if the question came from
Visual Studio 6, or from some component of Visual Studio 7.1 detecting
some change was being asked of it, or maybe from something else. Besides
not knowing which component wanted to impose the change, I don't know
version's JIT settings were going to be affected by change. I don't know
what the old values of the settings were, nor what the proposed new values
were going to be. The popup allowed answers of Yes or No.