Anne said:
I need install updates and reboot.
I work remotely at several workstations and I cannot install the
updates because it makes the computer shut down and I have to wait
for someone to turn them back on for me. Is there a way around this?
On said PCs, utilize the web page to
select the custom set of updates you want (I'd suggest avoiding the OPTIONAL
ones in your case) and install them. When it comes back to a web page
telling you it was successful, close the Internet Explorer window, do *not*
let it automatically reboot (particularly if you have ATI video cards in
these machines) and do the following:
Start button (remote machine) --> RUN --> type in:
shutdown -r -t 120 -f
--> Click OK.
The quickly procede to logoff the remote computer using the Start Button -->
Log Off (on the remote machine, of course.)
The 120 second timer may have to be moved to one side or another before you
are able to log off and select that is what you want to do (they both sit in
the middle usually, the countdown timer on top. If you move it after, it
aborts your logoff.)
The countdown will continue even after you logoff, and in a few minutes, the
computer should come back and you should be able to remote back into it.