Install to another drive - program folder in Start\Program


Roberta Armstrong

Have a new computer. New installation WinXP SP2. Installing all programs
to C:\Program Files EXCEPT my genealogy programs. Want them on second drive
in different partition. Anything I install to that partition ends up with
the program file, not a shortcut, being shown in Start\Programs. And I only
find the path from that point back to the installation directory. This is
happening only in this particular partition. I can install in any other
partition and I get the shortcut. Anyone ever have this problem?


How many apps have you installed that this happens too?

WHen you install the Genealogy program using the installation CD, do you
have an option for Custom?
When you click on Custom, does it show where it will install?

Roberta Armstrong

I have tried 3 different programs - 2 of them genealogy, the 3rd a simple
"notepad" program just to see if it was just the gen programs. Makes no
difference. I use the custom option and install to drive F: and that is
where they are installed. This is fine. The problem is that Start\Programs
shows the program folder and not a shortcut. When I right-click the folder
icon in Start\Program I get the dialog box that shows it is a folder on F:\.
I do not get the dialog box with the shortcut tab. Left-clicking gets the
actual folder contents on F:\.


Roberta said:
I have tried 3 different programs - 2 of them genealogy, the 3rd a
"notepad" program just to see if it was just the gen programs. Makes
difference. I use the custom option and install to drive F: and that
where they are installed. This is fine. The problem is that
shows the program folder and not a shortcut. When I right-click the
folder icon in Start\Program I get the dialog box that shows it is a
folder on F:\.
I do not get the dialog box with the shortcut tab. Left-clicking gets
the actual folder contents on F:\.

Let's approach this from another direction. Go to Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Storage>Disk Management.
Post back with the information shown for your Drive F. For instance, on
one of my machines I see:

On the left - Disk 0, Basic, 74.52 GB NTFS, Online
On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 74.52 GB
NTFS, Healthy (System)

Now right-click on the representation of the drive on the right side and
then left-click on Properties. What are the settings for Sharing,
Security, and Quota?

Also, can you copy any data files whatsoever to that drive? Please test
and include in your report back.


Roberta Armstrong

This is mine:
On the left - Disk 1, Basic, 298.08 GB NTFS, Online
On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 19.53GB
NTFS, Healthy (System)
Now right-click on the representation of the drive on the right side and
then left-click on Properties. What are the settings for Sharing,
Security, and Quota?
Not shared, no quota.
I can copy, move, save as any type of file and they show up on the F:
partition and on the Start\Programs list

Malke said:
Roberta said:
I have tried 3 different programs - 2 of them genealogy, the 3rd a
"notepad" program just to see if it was just the gen programs. Makes
difference. I use the custom option and install to drive F: and that
where they are installed. This is fine. The problem is that
shows the program folder and not a shortcut. When I right-click the
folder icon in Start\Program I get the dialog box that shows it is a
folder on F:\.
I do not get the dialog box with the shortcut tab. Left-clicking gets
the actual folder contents on F:\.

Let's approach this from another direction. Go to Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Storage>Disk Management.
Post back with the information shown for your Drive F. For instance, on
one of my machines I see:

On the left - Disk 0, Basic, 74.52 GB NTFS, Online
On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 74.52 GB
NTFS, Healthy (System)

Now right-click on the representation of the drive on the right side and
then left-click on Properties. What are the settings for Sharing,
Security, and Quota?

Also, can you copy any data files whatsoever to that drive? Please test
and include in your report back.

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User


Roberta said:
This is mine:
On the left - Disk 1, Basic, 298.08 GB NTFS, Online
On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 19.53GB
NTFS, Healthy (System)
Now right-click on the representation of the drive on the right side
then left-click on Properties. What are the settings for Sharing,
Security, and Quota?
Not shared, no quota.
I can copy, move, save as any type of file and they show up on the F:
partition and on the Start\Programs list

I see a discrepancy right away:

On the left - Disk 1, Basic, 298.08 GB NTFS, Online - so this means
that you have two hard drives in your system. Disk 0 must be your C:
drive which you are using for just plain data? So Windows is installed
on F:? According to what you wrote, the operating system thinks it is.

On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 19.53GB
NTFS, Healthy (System) - so I don't understand why on the right you're
showing only 19.53GB instead of matching the 298.08GB on the left.

So what do you have for Disk 0, the C: drive?

Look up at the top window of Disk Management. All drives for the system
will also be listed there. It will show the volume name, drive letter,
layout, type, file system, size and free space, etc. Post back with
what you see for your two drives.


Roberta Armstrong

My apologies for the confusion. I inserted my info into your paragraph and
didn't catch the "system".
I have 2 HD. C with OS is on 1st drive. The second drive is partitioned
into D-M logical drives.
FYI: D-pagefile, E-Temp files, then F-M are data and backup files.

Malke said:
Roberta said:
This is mine:
On the left - Disk 1, Basic, 298.08 GB NTFS, Online
On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 19.53GB
NTFS, Healthy (System)
Now right-click on the representation of the drive on the right side
then left-click on Properties. What are the settings for Sharing,
Security, and Quota?
Not shared, no quota.
I can copy, move, save as any type of file and they show up on the F:
partition and on the Start\Programs list

I see a discrepancy right away:

On the left - Disk 1, Basic, 298.08 GB NTFS, Online - so this means
that you have two hard drives in your system. Disk 0 must be your C:
drive which you are using for just plain data? So Windows is installed
on F:? According to what you wrote, the operating system thinks it is.

On the right for the drive itself - [name of volume] (F:), 19.53GB
NTFS, Healthy (System) - so I don't understand why on the right you're
showing only 19.53GB instead of matching the 298.08GB on the left.

So what do you have for Disk 0, the C: drive?

Look up at the top window of Disk Management. All drives for the system
will also be listed there. It will show the volume name, drive letter,
layout, type, file system, size and free space, etc. Post back with
what you see for your two drives.

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User


Roberta said:
My apologies for the confusion. I inserted my info into your
paragraph and didn't catch the "system".
I have 2 HD. C with OS is on 1st drive. The second drive is
partitioned into D-M logical drives.
FYI: D-pagefile, E-Temp files, then F-M are data and backup files.

The reason I asked you to post the exact information is because I want
to see what is being reported by the system for all the details. I
don't want to go back and forth with numerous posts asking for more
details. Please post the information I asked or have a local
professional come on-site and see what you're doing.

I'm not saying this to hurt your feelings and I'm more than willing to
work with you to try and figure out what's going on, but I'm not
willing for it to take twice as long as it needs to because you won't
post the information necessary to try and troubleshoot this.

Your situation is extremely unusual and in all my years of supporting
and using computers, I have not seen this where you couldn't install
where you wanted to. So something is going on with your system that is
preventing you from doing this and it is either something wrong with
the hardware - not enough room, failing drives, etc. - or there is
something wrong with the operating system.

The whole point of me asking you questions is to narrow down the focus
of troubleshooting because I can't see your computer from here.


Roberta Armstrong

Thank you for taking the time to bother with me up to this point. For your
information, I have solved the problem by reinstalling WinXP.

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