Install Small Business XP?



I recently upgraded my OS from Windows ME to XP Home Edition. Now, each
time XP loads or I try to open either Word or Excel, Windows Installer tries
to install Small Business XP and since I don't know how or why it's doing
that I just hit cancel (and I can get into Word and Excel) can anyone help me?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Windows Installer Appears Every Time a Program Is Started;en-us;265194

Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility;en-us;290301

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



| Hi,
| I recently upgraded my OS from Windows ME to XP Home Edition. Now, each
| time XP loads or I try to open either Word or Excel, Windows Installer tries
| to install Small Business XP and since I don't know how or why it's doing
| that I just hit cancel (and I can get into Word and Excel) can anyone help me?
| Thanks,
| Kate


Thank you for your help, when I go to the first link "Windoes Installer
Appears Everytine...." on the first link I am supposed to find ORKTOOLS.EXE,
but I can only find ORKDOCS.EXE ?

Bruce Chambers

Kate said:
I recently upgraded my OS from Windows ME to XP Home Edition. Now, each
time XP loads or I try to open either Word or Excel, Windows Installer tries
to install Small Business XP and since I don't know how or why it's doing
that I just hit cancel (and I can get into Word and Excel) can anyone help me?

If you performed an in-place upgrade from an earlier edition of
Windows, and Office was already installed, you'll likely have to repair
or reinstall it, so it can add the necessary additional functions needed
for use on a multi-user OS. It may be sufficient to simply insert the
respective installation CD and select the "Detect and Repair" option.


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? .... I know not what course others may take, but as
for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry

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