Install Problems


white fox


I use XP SP2. I use music editing softwware, Cool Edit & Magix Audio Lab. I
had a problem with these programs in that they became unstable & disappered
from my start menu.
Now when i reinstall i get an error message just at the end of self
Message is - You do not have access to make system configuration
modifications.Please rerun installation from an administrators account.
The installation stops.
I am the only user on my PC.



Just because you are the only user on the PC doesn't mean you are an
administrator. (although it's a bit unlikely) Just check to be sure in
"control panel > users" that your users name is set to "administrator" and
not just a "user".


white said:

I use XP SP2. I use music editing softwware, Cool Edit & Magix Audio Lab. I
had a problem with these programs in that they became unstable & disappered
from my start menu.
Now when i reinstall i get an error message just at the end of self
Message is - You do not have access to make system configuration
modifications.Please rerun installation from an administrators account.
The installation stops.
I am the only user on my PC.

It is unlikely that this is a permissions (Administrator) problem.
Programs do not normally become unstable and disappear all by
themselves. Something else is going on with your computer and you need
to find out what that is and address it before you can continue.
Unfortunately, you've told us nothing about the machine or its recent
history so we can't give you focused help.

Please go to these links to see what details you need to include in your
next post: - How to Ask a Question

In the meantime:

The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't?

The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the
malware/virus status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what
programs (and versions) did you use to determine this?

Be sure the computer is clean:

Standard caveat: If the procedures look too complex - and there is no
shame in admitting this isn't your cup of tea - take the machine to a
professional computer repair shop (not your local version of
BigComputerStore/GeekSquad). Have all your data backed up before you
take the machine into a shop.


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