Install Problem

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I am attempting to download and install the anti-spyware
beta. When I start the install I get a InstallShield box
pop up that states

" Command line parameters
/L language
/ S Hide initialazation dialog. For sile mode use /S
/V paramatersto MisExec.exe
/UA<url to InstMsiA.exe>
/UW<url to InstMsiW.exe>
/UM<url to msi package>
then a OK button"

When I click the OK button the install stops. What do I
need to do to get the command line paramaters box to
stop coming up and be able to install with a regular GUI
and be able to complete the
Either the download is somehow corrupted, or something on your system is
adding parameters to the run operation.

You might try this:

Go to a command prompt.

Navigate to the folder where the download executable is--it may be simpler
if you copy it to the root of C, for example.

Then run it from the command prompt.
Once I get the command prompt open what are the commands
to get to " the root of C:" and what am I looking for.
Then once I find it how do I fix it?

Lets go back a step.

What version of Windows?

How are you unzipping the download?
OK--with the downloaded file on the desktop, right click that file and
choose "extract all."

Then you should be able to add the switch to the executable in the standard
folder created by the extraction.