Install MS Office 97 access to all users



When I install MS Office 97, access only is available to
the user who installed it. All users are administrators.
It doesn't show up on All Programs and when I try to
allow access by placing a shortcut (ie to Excel) on the
desktop, the Excel program opens but freezes. I am sure
there is a simple solution, but I haven't found it!

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Simple solution, reinstall it to the same program folder while logged on
under each user. Some software is just like that.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


An even easier solution would be to go to Program files >
Microsoft Office > rgt clk > choose sharing and security
do as instructed under sharing > local sharing and security.
One is for local sharing and the other is for network sharing.
Good luck

| Hi,
| Simple solution, reinstall it to the same program folder while logged
| under each user. Some software is just like that.
| --
| Best of Luck,
| Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
| Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone
| | > When I install MS Office 97, access only is available to
| > the user who installed it. All users are administrators.
| > It doesn't show up on All Programs and when I try to
| > allow access by placing a shortcut (ie to Excel) on the
| > desktop, the Excel program opens but freezes. I am sure
| > there is a simple solution, but I haven't found it!
| > Thanks.

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