Install done, but the PC doesn't stop to reboot in loop

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I've done many research without being able to find an answer :

I've downloaded the latest Beta 2 release and install a clean version on a
new partition.
All when smoothly, but at the end when all is done, I can't start Vista :
The PC boot correctly, I have the Windows logo on the screen with the
horizontal bar bellow, then black screen and the PC reboot automaticaly.
Trying to start in safe mode don't change anything.

My config is :
Athlon X2 4400+
Chipset nForce 4
CGU : geForce 7900
RAM : 1Go

Any idea to help me ?

Thanks in advance.

No, I'm not using SATA hard disks, only IDE or USB.
And I believe that this is not the problem, as Vista is booting, at least
until the screnn with the window's logo on it.

Do you think even if I'm not using SATA disks, this can be the source of the
issue ?

Best regards,
I have redo some try, and I can be more specific :
In fact, I'm not so sure the installation is done.

The install start under WinXP, until a first reboot after expanding files,
then the process restart but this time not under WinXP, and the expand
process continue, then the update installation, the a last reboot.
This is after this rebot that my PC run until the horizontal bar shows
itself, lik ewhen WinXP is starting (buy the way, the windows logo is
missing, there is just the horizontal bar and the sentence bellow), then
black screen....and reboot for another same trip.

Any idea ?