hoping I could get some help.
Dual booting XP and Vista, same drive but partitioned. Want to try out
Vista before making the full plunge. Except, downloaded new ATI driver for
Vista. tried to install. (XP is on C:, Vista on V
Ati install defaults
to installing into C: partition. I changed to V: and installed.
Unfortunately Vista is not seeing the installed driver. Only C++ software
showing up in Add/Remove but nothing showing Ati driver install. Also
explanation point over videocard in Device Manager.
Any hints? Maybe installing into the wrong place on my V: partition? or
I'm just a idiot?
I am using:
9800pro 128mg AGP 8x
ASUS P4S8X mobo
1.5 gig RAM
XP on C: Vista Business on V:
Dont consider myself a computer expert but not a complete noob either
thanks for any help
Digital Artwork & Retouching
Dual booting XP and Vista, same drive but partitioned. Want to try out
Vista before making the full plunge. Except, downloaded new ATI driver for
Vista. tried to install. (XP is on C:, Vista on V

to installing into C: partition. I changed to V: and installed.
Unfortunately Vista is not seeing the installed driver. Only C++ software
showing up in Add/Remove but nothing showing Ati driver install. Also
explanation point over videocard in Device Manager.
Any hints? Maybe installing into the wrong place on my V: partition? or
I'm just a idiot?
I am using:
9800pro 128mg AGP 8x
ASUS P4S8X mobo
1.5 gig RAM
XP on C: Vista Business on V:
Dont consider myself a computer expert but not a complete noob either

thanks for any help
Digital Artwork & Retouching