install antivirus s/w & updates first or Do Window Updates first after PC reformated?



Hi I intend to reformat my PC.

Which one first after reformat the PC and install Windows XP Pro

a) install antivirus software and update the virus definition first before windows updates
b) Go to Window updates to update all the critical security patches first before installing antivirus software and update



since you will be on line and the antivirus updates area all in one file I
would have those all downloaded before the reformat same with sp1 if your
disk does not have it!


apple said:
Hi I intend to reformat my PC.

Which one first after reformat the PC and install Windows XP Pro?

a) install antivirus software and update the virus definition first before windows updates
b) Go to Window updates to update all the critical security patches first
before installing antivirus software and updates


huh??? I don't quite get it.

All I wanted to know is after I reformat my PC, should I install antivirus software & get the virus definition first before doing a windows update or should it be the other way round. That's is do windows updates to install all critical patches before install antivirus software and updates the necessary virus definition

After I reformat my PC, I will be going online so which one should come first windows updates or antivirus software and definition

Thanks :)


Like I said Antivirus first it is quicker! and updates don't prevent all
You can even download the update and save it so once you reformat you can
update before going online!


apple said:
huh??? I don't quite get it.

All I wanted to know is after I reformat my PC, should I install antivirus
software & get the virus definition first before doing a windows update or
should it be the other way round. That's is do windows updates to install
all critical patches before install antivirus software and updates the
necessary virus definition.
After I reformat my PC, I will be going online so which one should come
first windows updates or antivirus software and definition?

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