Instaling PCI vid card



Question: I am replacing an onbaord video controller, (Intel 8254GVCH) (which
eats shared memeory like candy) with a PCI NVida card on the wifes computer.
Don't need any help with the mechanics of this, I've already changed the BIOS
settings and installed the card. Works fine, BUT that damn onboard controller
still seems to be hogging the RAM, even thogh I've disabled it. What I need
to know is; If I delet the Intel graphics contoller through Device manager,
is this going to cause any problems with the boot process? Will I have to
re-flash the BIOS? Which, BTW, is surface mounted and I suspect very touchy.
Any ideas? Thanks for the help..

Head Hunter

Unfortunately, if you delete it in Device Manager, Windows will just
redetect and reinstall it. Instead of deleting it, try just disabling it.


I did, and it did. Seems I'm stcuk with it. I'd say LOL but that ain't funni!
Thanks for the help


So in the BIOS you took all of the memory away from the onboard video and
then disabled it???


In BIOS I changed the setting to "PCI" from "AGP" (even thouh there isn't any
AGP slot on this MOBO, thats what was in BIOS). Then I deleted the listing of
82845GV (graphics memeory controller hub) in Device Manager. When I re-booted
Windows showed a screen I've never seen B4, the upshot of which was it
re-installed the graphics controlleer hub back into Device Manager. (sigh)
seems I'm stuck with the damn thing. Thanks for the help... Magicky


The last time I did this for a friend on a Compaq there was a setting in the
BIOS as to how much memory to allocate to the onboard video and a setting in
the BIOS to not use the onboard.Once I took its memory away and turned off
the onboard the PCI video card functioned properly.Just needed to install
the drivers.
In another system it was just a matter of again reducing the onboard video's
memory to 0 and installing a PCI video card.
good luck

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