Generally in programming we use DataConnection and called dc.Open()
We Give DbCommand various parameters and result sets.
But, All this commands/ procedure to retrive data from Database is predefined or mechanical one.
Actually,I want ot know what actually happens when you connect to database or In DataSet, how data is stored. How Relation is mentained in dataset.
Can any-body tell me book or article where I can get inside view of ADO.Net.
Don't we think, It wil make more sense in doing programming more consiously.
- Shreyas
We Give DbCommand various parameters and result sets.
But, All this commands/ procedure to retrive data from Database is predefined or mechanical one.
Actually,I want ot know what actually happens when you connect to database or In DataSet, how data is stored. How Relation is mentained in dataset.
Can any-body tell me book or article where I can get inside view of ADO.Net.
Don't we think, It wil make more sense in doing programming more consiously.
- Shreyas