Max Velocity
Can someone give any ideas on the best way to insert data, sometime
just text and sometimes formulas in certain cells in a worksheet usin
a macro. The tricky bit of this is that these cells although always i
the same column are never in the same row because of the data bein
imported from a dynamic database.
The good part of this problem is that in the spreadsheet there i
always a reference for where and what I want to insert.
I have attached a spreadsheet at least I think I have) with a littl
example of what im talking about if you care to have a little look.
| Attachment filename: example of data.xls
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=368256
Can someone give any ideas on the best way to insert data, sometime
just text and sometimes formulas in certain cells in a worksheet usin
a macro. The tricky bit of this is that these cells although always i
the same column are never in the same row because of the data bein
imported from a dynamic database.
The good part of this problem is that in the spreadsheet there i
always a reference for where and what I want to insert.
I have attached a spreadsheet at least I think I have) with a littl
example of what im talking about if you care to have a little look.
| Attachment filename: example of data.xls
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=368256