I'm trying to create a chart from a query that spits out 10 fields.(%A,%B,%C.....%N
I want to plot these 10 fields in descending order in the chart.When I use the chart wizard,I get a message saying the chart can accept a maximum of 6 fields
Anyone have ideas on how to plot more than 6?..Alternatively how do I sort among these 10 to pick say just the top 5 and plot those
I'm trying to create a chart from a query that spits out 10 fields.(%A,%B,%C.....%N
I want to plot these 10 fields in descending order in the chart.When I use the chart wizard,I get a message saying the chart can accept a maximum of 6 fields
Anyone have ideas on how to plot more than 6?..Alternatively how do I sort among these 10 to pick say just the top 5 and plot those