Inserting JPEG files into a database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Helen Walters
  • Start date Start date

Helen Walters

I have a new problem (it all worked OK in Access 2000).
When I insert a JPEG file as a photo, in form view, I only
get an icon, or the title of the file.

I have got round the problem by inserting the file into
Word, and then pasting the image into the Access form, but
this can't be right can it? Has something been lost in
later versions of the software?

(I have tried changing the properties from icon to
content, and then back again, reinserting files after
changing properties - all with no luck)
Helen Walters said:
I have a new problem (it all worked OK in Access 2000).
When I insert a JPEG file as a photo, in form view, I only
get an icon, or the title of the file.

I have got round the problem by inserting the file into
Word, and then pasting the image into the Access form, but
this can't be right can it? Has something been lost in
later versions of the software?

(I have tried changing the properties from icon to
content, and then back again, reinserting files after
changing properties - all with no luck)

If you use OLE field type you make a mistake.
To display in a right way the immages one solution
is to use a ImageFolder, and a Text Field on DB.
On Field you save the full or partial Path, and on
the Form you put an Image Control, so on Current
Event update the Picture property of ImageControl:

Me.NameImgCtl.Picture=CurrentProject.Path & "\SpecialImageFolder\" &

Using an Ole field the Database GROW dimension with a few images.

I do have same question but I can't understand exactly what need to be done.
Is it possibel to explain more detail?
Thank you.

jlee9911 said:
I do have same question but I can't understand exactly what need to be done.
Is it possibel to explain more detail?
Thank you.


I suppose that ICO defect is caused because you are using a Blob
field like OLE.
In this way the immage is eated on DB, and converted on BMP by means
of conversion Filter.

Instead of this method very bad for DB dimension and flexibility, use
a dinamic image show system.
The image stay on HD in a dedicated Folder or SubFolder, and on DB
you store only the PATH, so on running code, you say to ImageControl
wich image need to Load(runtime).

Remember that the image loaded if not BMP is converted ON THE FLY
on BMP, and this can cause a slow code, or crash if image dimension is big.

An other important question is that with RUNTIME distribution this Filter
are not included, so you will load and show only BMP.

On Lebans webSite, you can find a very Powerfull code sistem to remove
this limit using GDI+ Windows Library.

Hope this halp you.(Sorry for my bad English, i'm learn it slowly)
