inserting graphs into word

May 5, 2011
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Hi all,

Wondered if anyone could help, I'm needing to write some code to insert graphs from individual Excel documents into the correct Word documents.

The job is to make profile sheets for every student in our school, the main part is exported from SIMS into Word then I've found a suitable macro that adds a couple of other things to the sheet.

The final thing I need to do is open each file and add the appropriate graph at the bottom (these have already been produced by another program which saves them as Excel charts. I can't choose the filenames but it puts the students' unique admission number as part of the filename, which I'm hoping that could be used to identify the correct one). I dont know that much about VBA and haven't been able to find any example code to base it off so far. They'll have to be updated quite frequently and I don't really want to be pasting 700 graphs across every time :)

Thanks! Adam