There's a combobox from the control toolbox toolbar and a dropdown from the
Forms toolbar.
Each behave differently, but to add them, you can use:
Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim OLEObj As OLEObject
Dim myDD As DropDown
Dim myRng As Range
'combobox from the Control toolbox toolbar
Set myRng = ActiveSheet.Range("a1:c1") '3 cells
With myRng
Set OLEObj = .Parent.OLEObjects.Add _
(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", _
Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
Left:=.Left, _
Top:=.Top, _
Width:=.Width, _
End With
'Dropdown from the Forms toolbar
Set myRng = ActiveSheet.Range("a3:c3") '3 cells
With myRng
Set myDD = .Parent.DropDowns.Add _
(Left:=.Left, _
Top:=.Top, _
Width:=.Width, _
End With
End Sub
Don't step through the Control Toolbox Toolbar code. You'll get an error.