Inserting a video cutaway whilst keeping the original soundtrack.

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I have a video of my son's band and want to insert video clips (cutaways)
while keeping the original sound track going (I don't want the sound from the
cutaways). How do you insert video ONLY into your movie?
put the video of your son's band on the video track, and mute the audio...
and drag the video with the sound you want down to the audio/music track.
Hi Papajohn,

My question was the other way round. I wish to keep the vision and sound of
the band and insert vision only cutaways (e.g. the audience, filmed at
another time) whilst keeping the band sound. After the cutaway return to the
band still playing in sync.
This raises another query - should the cutaway be inserted using "SPLIT

Thanks for your help so far.

yes... split the clip to either remove a segment or trim the clips as needed
to make room for the other clip....

keep the audio of both tracks unmuted and zoom in so you can see the visual
wave patterns, which makes for easy and exact syncing... when done, mute the
audio you're not using.
I wanted to do something similar (hide some cuts by switching to a still
image whilst keeping the soundtrack going).

I did it by dragging the sound from the "master" clip into the Audio track
at the bottom. Do this in TimeLine view. This should give you an audio signal
that runs for the entire track. Next I muted the sound from the original
clip. I could then shorten the clip, add pictures and even other clips (which
I also muted the sound of) , whilst keeping the audio intact.

The only problem I can see with doing this is that if you want to return to
the original video you have to insert the original clip and then line it up
with the original sound. Fortunately you can use the waveform displays for
the two clips to line up the sound of the later clip just before you mute it.

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it. But it worked for me.
Thanks to PapaJohn & Rob Miles.
I tried it and it works. However, even though I'm new to "Movie Maker, I
think inserting "video only" (i.e. cutaways) is such a basic editing
requirement and is so complicated on Movie Maker. You shouldn't have to
re-sync the video of your master video after each cutaway - it's such a
If there isn't a simpler way to do this basic editing requirement then I
think Microsoft should address this problem on their next update?
I wish WMM would update this feature, as here we are at the end of 2007 and
inserting 'VIDEO ONLY' is still a major hassle.
Does anyone have an easier answer to this fundamental editing problem?
How about 2 video tracks?

xpr9t ]94ut] said:
I agree. I keep thinking that I am missing something fundamental in the use
of WMM that you can't easily insert cutaways to a synched track. Apparently
it is just not possible. I keep hoping that I am wrong. Next update, please!


Perry266 said:
Thanks to PapaJohn & Rob Miles.
I tried it and it works. However, even though I'm new to "Movie Maker, I
think inserting "video only" (i.e. cutaways) is such a basic editing
requirement and is so complicated on Movie Maker. You shouldn't have to
re-sync the video of your master video after each cutaway - it's such a
If there isn't a simpler way to do this basic editing requirement then I
think Microsoft should address this problem on their next update?
I had a similar need.

I video'd a presentation, but during the first minute or so, I was moving
the camera around until I found a suitable wine glass that I could use as a
support for the camera. And of course the video for that part is horrible
and should not be seen by my fellow man. (I'm not filming the Blair Witch
Project, of course.)

So ... I wanted to display some other pictures while the presenter is
beginning his speech (and while I was fumbling with the camera), and then
VOILA! transition into the VIDEO of him talking, as if this was all part of
the plan from the beginning.

The posts here were very helpful to me, although I had a hard time actually
FINDING this post, with the various search items I was using.

clip video.
hide video and show pictures while keeping the audio going.

Actually, the "clip video" was something I couldn't figure out how to do
either, and this is necessary for this little project. At long last, I did
find it in another post. But I will put my instructions here, for everyone's

Here is how I did it.

I double-clicked on the full length video in the COLLECTION frame.
That made the video file start playing (not the movie from the timeline
THEN, as the video was playing, I clicked on the little round button at the
lower right hand corner of the frame that is playing the video. When I did
that, Windows Movie Maker split the full-length video into TWO PIECES! Yay!
Both files were shown in the Collection.

(There are 2 little round buttons there. The one on the left shows 2 little
pieces of film with a vertical line in between. It says "split the clip into
two clips at the current frame (CTRL-L)" when you hover your mouse over it.
The little round button on the right shows a camera and says "Take picture."
You want the button one on the left. )

This gave me 2 video clips.

The first video clip, the one where I was moving the camera all around, that
one I renamed "audio-only" in the Collection pane. (Note: the file called
audio-only has VIDEO AND AUDIO, but I don't want anyone to SEE the video.
That's why I called it audio-only, to remind myself what it is for.) The
second video clip I renamed "audio-video."

THEN I placed the "audio-only" clip on the TIMELINE in the section called
AUDIO/MUSIC. This is important. It will NOT work if you put it in the
timeline section called AUDIO.

AFTER THAT, I placed the "audio-video" clip on the TIMELINE in the section
called AUDIO. All I had to do was zoom in and make sure that the end of the
"audio-only" clip was in line with the beginning of the "audio-video" clip.

Then I dragged the photos I wanted into the VIDEO section of the TIMELINE,
above where I had the "audio-only" clip on the AUDIO/MUSIC line. I stretched
the picture widths to make sure they were exactly in line with the line that
marked the transition between the "audio-only" clip on the AUDIO/MUSIC line
and the "audio-video" clip on the AUDIO line.

When I played the video from the TIMELINE, it worked great! You couldn't
hear any pause or stutter in the presenter's speech, it went directly from
the pictures with voice, to the video of the guy talking.

And that my friends, is how I did it!

The posts above were very helpful. I hope my post will help trigger this in
more searches so that more people can find this information.