I found this code in a thread posted on 2/18, and modified
it slighty, as follows:
Sub test()
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = "1"
Set Rng = Range("a:a").Find(What:=FindString,
While Not (Rng Is Nothing)
Set Rng = Range("a" & Rng.Row + 1 & ":a" &
Rows.Count) _
.Find(What:=FindString, LookAt:=xlPart)
End Sub
First, thanks to the person who posted it. It's coming
closer than any other code I've tried to doing what I
need. However, I do have a question about it. I noticed
that it always seems to insert a row after two lines, even
when there is no 1 in column A. Basicially, I am trying
to group rows together that share a common employee ID
number. A 1 was inserted whenever a new employee ID
appears. The majority of the lines I am trying to
separate do come in pairs, but some contain three lines,
and the code is not going down three lines to insert a
row. Is there a way to make it do this? Thanks-
it slighty, as follows:
Sub test()
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = "1"
Set Rng = Range("a:a").Find(What:=FindString,
While Not (Rng Is Nothing)
Set Rng = Range("a" & Rng.Row + 1 & ":a" &
Rows.Count) _
.Find(What:=FindString, LookAt:=xlPart)
End Sub
First, thanks to the person who posted it. It's coming
closer than any other code I've tried to doing what I
need. However, I do have a question about it. I noticed
that it always seems to insert a row after two lines, even
when there is no 1 in column A. Basicially, I am trying
to group rows together that share a common employee ID
number. A 1 was inserted whenever a new employee ID
appears. The majority of the lines I am trying to
separate do come in pairs, but some contain three lines,
and the code is not going down three lines to insert a
row. Is there a way to make it do this? Thanks-