Are you using NOD32 for your AV?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Sepron asked:
| AppName;outlook.exe AppVer. 12.0.6023.5000 AppStamp:46574050
| ModName: oart.dll Mod/Ver 12.0.4518.1014 ModStamp 45428318
| fDebug

Offset 00095614
| Process to report
| Exception Information
| Code: 0xc0000090 Flags: 0x00000000
| Record:0x0000000000000000 Adddress: 0x000000004aa67614
| System Info
| Windows NT 5.1 Build: 2600
| Then CPU Vendor Code & Version
| Then outlook info folowed by version info modules infos
| and pages long columns with numbers and letters like this one:
| 0x00034f4c0: 001374do 342e550 0000000 bd77954e .]'ZP.B3...Tu..
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| And if you click on the link to show the information contained in
|| the error report, what does it say?
|| --ÂÂ
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Sepron asked:
||| There is no error#. It says that Outlook encountered a problem and
||| must close, and prompts to send an error report to Microsoft.
||| "K. Orland" wrote:
|||| Is there anything noted about Microsoft Office in your application
|||| event viewer? I would be interested in any errors; the event ID and
|||| source.
|||| --
|||| Kathleen Orland - MVP Outlook
|||| "Sepron" wrote:
||||| Thank you Katleeen,
||||| No, this is a new installation of 2007 version.
||||| What puzzles me is that inserting works perfectly on Excel and
||||| Word sheets. I rechecked the profile and all seems to be correct.
||||| "K. Orland" wrote:
|||||| Did you upgrade from an older version of Office? Try creating a
|||||| new profile:
|||||| --
|||||| Kathleen Orland - MVP Outlook
|||||| "Sepron" wrote:
||||||| Dear K. Orland,
||||||| It is 2007 Office Enterprice. POP server.
||||||| Steps I use: new message>insert>picture>select & double click.
||||||| Right after outlook crashes. I t was like that from the
||||||| begining. There is no problem with inserting pictures into
||||||| Excel on Word sheets. It drives me nuts. Reinstallations,
||||||| diagnostics, etc did not helped.
||||||| Thanks for your help.
||||||| Sepron
||||||| "K. Orland" wrote:
|||||||| What steps are you using to insert the picture? What version of
|||||||| Outlook? Has this always been a problem? If not, when did it
|||||||| start? What type of mail account do you have (Exchange, POP3,
|||||||| etc.)? --
|||||||| Kathleen Orland - MVP Outlook
|||||||| "Sepron" wrote:
||||||||| Each time I try to insert a picture a message appears that
||||||||| Outlook encountered a problem and needs to close (also,
||||||||| prompts to send anerror report).