Hi All,
I have recently exported out a text file from my access db, and after
exporting the data to the text file, i then append a variable to that
text file. To do this i use the following code
Dim hFile As Integer ' File handle
hFile = FreeFile ' first free file handle
Open stFilename For Append As #hFile
Print #hFile, stRecCount
Close #hFile
However with the Append command, that means it appends my variable
stRecCount at the end of the rest of the records, what I would like to
do is to Insert that variable as the very first line and then have the
records below that.
Basically my question is how do I insert stRecCount at the beginning
of a text file?
I have recently exported out a text file from my access db, and after
exporting the data to the text file, i then append a variable to that
text file. To do this i use the following code
Dim hFile As Integer ' File handle
hFile = FreeFile ' first free file handle
Open stFilename For Append As #hFile
Print #hFile, stRecCount
Close #hFile
However with the Append command, that means it appends my variable
stRecCount at the end of the rest of the records, what I would like to
do is to Insert that variable as the very first line and then have the
records below that.
Basically my question is how do I insert stRecCount at the beginning
of a text file?