Michael T
Hi Dale,
Thanks for this - I've tried it and it broadly works except that I want to
have a NEW value for the key field (the ID).
The SELECT works fine but it is not a true "duplicate" that I want, it's a
duplicate of all fields bar the ID field - the ID field I'd like to be a new
VALUE that I specify via a dialogue, something like below where I've added
comments between < >
INSERT INTO [Beaker Master] ('8888' <==== <THIS IS THE NEW VALUE FOR THE
KEY>, ItemType, MonarchOrPerson, EventName, CorrectDate, Maker, Style,
GoddenReference, DesignNumber, RimColour, RimCondition, MadeInTown, MadeIn,
Material, MaterialColour, PatternColour, RegistrationNumber,
LimitedEditionNumber, LimitedEditionOf, LimitedEditionCertificate,
ItemHeight, ItemDiameter, DougNumber, PurchasePrice, PurchasedFrom,
PurchaseDate, EBayReference, CurrentValueEstimate, CurrentValueEstimateBy,
Status, ForSale, StorageLocation, SoldTo, SoldDate, SoldFor, DateAdded,
CommemorationTown, CommemorationPerson, CommemorationSite,
CommemorationEvent, CommemorationEventDate, Vendor, Description,
DescriptionHidden, DaveyNumber )
SELECT BeakerNumber <==== <THIS IS THE KEY FIELD>, ItemType,
MonarchOrPerson, EventName, CorrectDate, Maker, Style, GoddenReference,
DesignNumber, RimColour, RimCondition, MadeInTown, MadeIn, Material,
MaterialColour, PatternColour, RegistrationNumber, LimitedEditionNumber,
LimitedEditionOf, LimitedEditionCertificate, ItemHeight, ItemDiameter,
DougNumber, PurchasePrice, PurchasedFrom, PurchaseDate, EBayReference,
CurrentValueEstimate, CurrentValueEstimateBy, Status, ForSale,
StorageLocation, SoldTo, SoldDate, SoldFor, DateAdded, CommemorationTown,
CommemorationPerson, CommemorationSite, CommemorationEvent,
CommemorationEventDate, Vendor, Description, DescriptionHidden, DaveyNumber
FROM [Beaker Master] WHERE BeakerNumber = '1362'
Where the '8888' is a new key value using all other field values from the
record with the key (BeakerNumber) of '1362'.
Any further thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks for this - I've tried it and it broadly works except that I want to
have a NEW value for the key field (the ID).
The SELECT works fine but it is not a true "duplicate" that I want, it's a
duplicate of all fields bar the ID field - the ID field I'd like to be a new
VALUE that I specify via a dialogue, something like below where I've added
comments between < >
INSERT INTO [Beaker Master] ('8888' <==== <THIS IS THE NEW VALUE FOR THE
KEY>, ItemType, MonarchOrPerson, EventName, CorrectDate, Maker, Style,
GoddenReference, DesignNumber, RimColour, RimCondition, MadeInTown, MadeIn,
Material, MaterialColour, PatternColour, RegistrationNumber,
LimitedEditionNumber, LimitedEditionOf, LimitedEditionCertificate,
ItemHeight, ItemDiameter, DougNumber, PurchasePrice, PurchasedFrom,
PurchaseDate, EBayReference, CurrentValueEstimate, CurrentValueEstimateBy,
Status, ForSale, StorageLocation, SoldTo, SoldDate, SoldFor, DateAdded,
CommemorationTown, CommemorationPerson, CommemorationSite,
CommemorationEvent, CommemorationEventDate, Vendor, Description,
DescriptionHidden, DaveyNumber )
SELECT BeakerNumber <==== <THIS IS THE KEY FIELD>, ItemType,
MonarchOrPerson, EventName, CorrectDate, Maker, Style, GoddenReference,
DesignNumber, RimColour, RimCondition, MadeInTown, MadeIn, Material,
MaterialColour, PatternColour, RegistrationNumber, LimitedEditionNumber,
LimitedEditionOf, LimitedEditionCertificate, ItemHeight, ItemDiameter,
DougNumber, PurchasePrice, PurchasedFrom, PurchaseDate, EBayReference,
CurrentValueEstimate, CurrentValueEstimateBy, Status, ForSale,
StorageLocation, SoldTo, SoldDate, SoldFor, DateAdded, CommemorationTown,
CommemorationPerson, CommemorationSite, CommemorationEvent,
CommemorationEventDate, Vendor, Description, DescriptionHidden, DaveyNumber
FROM [Beaker Master] WHERE BeakerNumber = '1362'
Where the '8888' is a new key value using all other field values from the
record with the key (BeakerNumber) of '1362'.
Any further thoughts would be appreciated.