Inserting a block of text

  • Thread starter Thread starter gcotterl
  • Start date Start date


TEXTPAD 5.3 has, under the EDIT/INSERT menu, a PASTE AS BLOCK command
which inserts a copied block of text to the right of the cursor
WITHOUT affecting the text to the left of the cursor.

Does MS Word 2007 have a similar feature?
By "block," do you mean it keeps the margin width it had in the
original, and that left margin appears somewhere other than against
the left margin of the Word document?

But inserting text to the right of the cursor won't affect text to the
left of the cursor. The inserted text will be part of the paragraph
the cursor is in, so you can also type Enter and then insert your text
to become a new paragraph; but still it will conform to the Word
document's margins.

Does TEXTPAD have "text boxes" or "frames" or some such?
Hi Peter,

This is what I'm looking for:

The existing text in the Word document is:


The quick brown fox jumps over the
lazy dog and feels as if he were in
the seventh heaven of typography
together with Hermann Zapf, the most
famous artist of the...


The block of text to be inserted is:


So, fellow citizens, now is the time
for all good men to come to the aid of
their country to demand transparency,
sovereignty and independence.


The desired result would look like this:


So, fellow citizens, now is the time The quick brown fox jumps
over the
for all good men to come to the aid of lazy dog and feels as if he
were in
their country to demand transparency, the seventh heaven of
sovereignty and independence. together with Hermann Zapf,
the most
famous artist of the...

Hi Peter,

This is what I'm looking for:

The existing text in the Word document is:


The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog and feels as if
he were in the seventh heaven
of typography together with
Hermann Zapf, the most famous
artist of the...


The block of text to be inserted is:


So, fellow citizens, now is
the time for all good men
to come to the aid of their
country to demand transparency,
sovereignty and independence.


The desired result would look like this:


The quick brown fox jumps over So, fellow citizens, now is
the lazy dog and feels as if the time for all good men
he were in the seventh heaven to come to the aid of their
of typography together with country to demand
Hermann Zapf, the most famous sovereignty and independence.
artist of the...
Hi Peter,

This is what I'm looking for:

The existing text in the Word document is:


The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog and feels as if
he were in the seventh heaven
of typography together with
Hermann Zapf, the most famous
artist of the...


The block of text to be inserted is:


So, fellow citizens, now is
the time for all good men
to come to the aid of their
country to demand transparency,
sovereignty and independence.


The desired result would look like this:


The quick brown fox jumps over So, fellow citizens, now is
the lazy dog and feels as if the time for all good men
he were in the seventh heaven to come to the aid of their
of typography together with country to demand transparency,
Hermann Zapf, the most famous sovereignty and independence.
artist of the...
gcotterl came back and asked the question twice more, and it turned
out it probably wanted a table rather than columns.