Inserting a Bipmap Object

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I just switched computers, and ever since I did it, once I try to insert a
Bitmap Object into a presentation it takes like three or more minutes for the
screen to come back. It works but it is really annoying. I have tried to
change my memory settings but it doses not seem to work.

Anybody has any idea what setting should I change?

Thanks in advance
Is there a special reason why you want to insert a bitmap object instead of
using File, Insert Picture, From File and just pick the image file you want
to use?

Inserting objects adds a lot of overhead that most people don't need or want.
I need to insert spreadsheets that I don't want to get modified once I post
it for public access. So I copy and paste it as a bipmap.

Do you know any other way?

Thanks again
I need to insert spreadsheets that I don't want to get modified once I post
it for public access. So I copy and paste it as a bipmap.

OK, that makes sense. But strictly (and even a bit pedantically) speaking, it's not
inserting a bitmap object; you do that by choosing Insert, Object and picking a
bitmap file. That's what I thought you were doing.

Now that we're on the same page, I'd try this:

Copy the info you want from Excel.
Switch to PPT and choose Edit, Paste Special, and pick one of the bitmap options.
PNG's usually a good choice if it's available.