I take it you have 15 workbooks (files). You have at least one sheet in
each workbook that you want to copy to the first workbook. Is that correct?
If it is, do this. Open the destination workbook (what you call the
first one) and at least one of the other workbooks. I say at least one
because you may not have the memory to open them all. If you can open them
all, then do so.
With a source file open and the source sheet on the screen, Do Edit -
Move Or Copy Sheet. In the "To book:" box, select your destination file.
Check the "Create a Copy" box. In the "Before sheet:" box select where in
the sheet sequence of the destination file you want to put this sheet.
Click OK. Done. Repeat this process for each of other 13 files.
If this task is just a one-time thing then do the above. However, if
this is something that you do repeatedly, you might consider automating the
process with a macro. HTH Otto
Michelle said:
Hi. I have 15 spreadsheets saved. I have to add 14 of them to the 1st one
as inserted worksheets. I have figured out how to insert a new/blank
worksheet, but cannot figure out how to add the ones I already have saved as
an inserted worksheet. Is this even possible? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Michelle