Most of text is in the Times New Roman font format.
¶ = the "Pilgrow sign" = new paragraph symbol, Unicode (hex) character code
00B6, or ASCII (decimal) 182, or ASCII (hex) 00B6
(Some Bible versions uses that symbol between the verse number and the First
word of a new paragraph to show where the next paragraph begins. When I copy
& paste those verses into my file, that symbol shows up in the file, when I
save the file, then close down, reopen that file again, the symbol is
replaced with a question mark. Sometimes the quote marks --double or single
--does the same thing, as does some other symbols that I can't think of this
After reopening the htlm file I look for the question marks, and use the
insert symbol menu to put the correct symbol back in the file, but it nevers
saves that symbol for future viewing. Why?
I'm using the New Times Roman fonts on that page, and those symbols are very
common ones.
I also would like to quote Greek letters & words in New Testament Greek into
my pages at times. Greek fonts are installed on my system. I haven't tried
doing that yet, because common symbols don't show up when reopening file in
FrontPage, or Internet Explorer or other browsers...
Thanks for all you folks help...
Bernard Wotton