That was intended to be some VBA code. str would be a VBA variable:
Dim str as string
and we will start the process by putting into it, the content of the memo
str= Me.ControlNameWIthTheMemo
We would not let the memo, itself, visible. Instead, a standard text control
would receive the content of str, once all Replace would have been executed:
Me.TextBoxControl = str
The "Dear {ClientName} ... " was intended to be an example of what is the
memo BEFORE any substitution. It is the job of the Replace to substitute
any recognizable expression, here I use {ClientName} , by whatever you want.
This is NOT a mandatory syntax. You just choose YOUR convention, and write
the appropriate Replace:
str=Replace( str, "{ClientName}", FieldForTheClientName )
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP
Zachry1 said:
Thanks for your reply...
2 questions:
1. Is "str" the name of the memo field?
2. Is your "Dear [clientName]...example the syntax that i should see when
viewing my memo field on the form?
Michel Walsh said:
If the to be inserted expression are, say, easily recognizable, use
As example, if the memo string is:
str= "Dear [clientName], In relation with our contract number
[ContractNumber], please... "
str=Replace( str, "[ClientName]", [ClientName] )
str=Replace( str, "[ContractNumber]". [ContractNumber] )
Me.ControlName.Value = str
You place the code in the appropriate event (onFormat, probably) of the
appropriate detail (of your report).
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP
My form displays a memo field. The users review long statements to
whether or not to use the statement on a report. And as part of the
i would like to have inserted in the middle several fields such as
date, seller. These have already been populated in the form.
How can i do this?