I'm trying to insert a record into an Access database, but am getting the error "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement." I've checked and rechecked the code. I've tried variations, like adding .toString after name.text, nothing I'm doing is working. I hope someone can see what I'm missing.
Thanks for your help!
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim strSQL As String
Dim cnn As New OleDbConnection(Constants.OleDbConnectionString)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Radios"
Dim objCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cnn) Dim objDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter()
objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = objCommand
Dim objDataSet As New DataSet()
objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Radios")
Dim objTable As DataTable
objTable = objDataSet.Tables("Radios")
Dim chkM As CheckBox = Me.chkMike
Dim updval As String
If chkM.Checked Then
updval = "1"
updval = "0"
End If
Dim chkC As CheckBox = Me.chkCharger
Dim updval2 As String
If chkC.Checked Then
updval2 = "1"
updval2 = "0"
End If
Dim objDataRow As DataRow
objDataRow = objTable.NewRow()
objDataRow("intRIN6Digit") = CInt(txtRIN.Text) 'integer datatype; Primary key
objDataRow("strAssignment") = txtAssignment.Text
objDataRow("strCall") = txtCall.Text
objDataRow("strDivision") = ddlDiv.SelectedItem.Text
objDataRow("strDistrict-Section") = txtSecLoc.Text
objDataRow("strTalkGroup") = txtTG.Text
objDataRow("strSerialNumber") = txtSerial.Text
objDataRow("strModel") = txtModel.Text
objDataRow("bPSMike") = CBool(updval)
objDataRow("bIndividualCharger") = CBool(updval2)
If Len(Me.txtChargerNo.Text) > 1 Then 'integer datatype
objDataRow("intChargerNumber") = CInt(txtChargerNo.Text)
objDataRow("intChargerNumber") = Convert.IsDBNull(txtChargerNo.Text)
End If
objDataRow("strOwner") = txtOwner.Text
If Len(Me.txtScan.Text) > 1 Then 'integer datatype
objDataRow("intAssetTagNo") = CInt(txtScan.Text)
objDataRow("intAssetTagNo") = Convert.IsDBNull(txtScan.Text)
End If
objDataRow("dtSentForRepair") = txtRepair.Text
objDataRow("Count") = txtCount.Text
objDataRow("strRemarks") = txtRemarks.Text
Dim objCommandBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(objDataAdapter)
objDataAdapter.InsertCommand = objCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand()
objDataAdapter.Update(objDataSet, "Radios")
lblConfirm.Text = ("The Record has been added.")
txtRIN.Text = Nothing
txtAssignment.Text = Nothing
txtCall.Text = Nothing
txtSecLoc = Nothing
txtTG.Text = Nothing
txtSerial.Text = Nothing
txtModel.Text = Nothing
txtChargerNo.Text = Nothing
txtOwner.Text = Nothing
txtScan.Text = Nothing
txtRepair.Text = Nothing
txtCount.Text = Nothing
txtRemarks.Text = Nothing
updval = Nothing
updval2 = Nothing
strSQL = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks for your help!
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim strSQL As String
Dim cnn As New OleDbConnection(Constants.OleDbConnectionString)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Radios"
Dim objCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cnn) Dim objDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter()
objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = objCommand
Dim objDataSet As New DataSet()
objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Radios")
Dim objTable As DataTable
objTable = objDataSet.Tables("Radios")
Dim chkM As CheckBox = Me.chkMike
Dim updval As String
If chkM.Checked Then
updval = "1"
updval = "0"
End If
Dim chkC As CheckBox = Me.chkCharger
Dim updval2 As String
If chkC.Checked Then
updval2 = "1"
updval2 = "0"
End If
Dim objDataRow As DataRow
objDataRow = objTable.NewRow()
objDataRow("intRIN6Digit") = CInt(txtRIN.Text) 'integer datatype; Primary key
objDataRow("strAssignment") = txtAssignment.Text
objDataRow("strCall") = txtCall.Text
objDataRow("strDivision") = ddlDiv.SelectedItem.Text
objDataRow("strDistrict-Section") = txtSecLoc.Text
objDataRow("strTalkGroup") = txtTG.Text
objDataRow("strSerialNumber") = txtSerial.Text
objDataRow("strModel") = txtModel.Text
objDataRow("bPSMike") = CBool(updval)
objDataRow("bIndividualCharger") = CBool(updval2)
If Len(Me.txtChargerNo.Text) > 1 Then 'integer datatype
objDataRow("intChargerNumber") = CInt(txtChargerNo.Text)
objDataRow("intChargerNumber") = Convert.IsDBNull(txtChargerNo.Text)
End If
objDataRow("strOwner") = txtOwner.Text
If Len(Me.txtScan.Text) > 1 Then 'integer datatype
objDataRow("intAssetTagNo") = CInt(txtScan.Text)
objDataRow("intAssetTagNo") = Convert.IsDBNull(txtScan.Text)
End If
objDataRow("dtSentForRepair") = txtRepair.Text
objDataRow("Count") = txtCount.Text
objDataRow("strRemarks") = txtRemarks.Text
Dim objCommandBuilder As New OleDbCommandBuilder(objDataAdapter)
objDataAdapter.InsertCommand = objCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand()
objDataAdapter.Update(objDataSet, "Radios")
lblConfirm.Text = ("The Record has been added.")
txtRIN.Text = Nothing
txtAssignment.Text = Nothing
txtCall.Text = Nothing
txtSecLoc = Nothing
txtTG.Text = Nothing
txtSerial.Text = Nothing
txtModel.Text = Nothing
txtChargerNo.Text = Nothing
txtOwner.Text = Nothing
txtScan.Text = Nothing
txtRepair.Text = Nothing
txtCount.Text = Nothing
txtRemarks.Text = Nothing
updval = Nothing
updval2 = Nothing
strSQL = Nothing
End Sub