Insert "Stamp" in Slides

  • Thread starter Thread starter daniel_of_vienna
  • Start date Start date


Dear all,

is there a way, to insert a "Stamp" on every slide automatically?
E.g. a graphic/Textbox with "confidential" placed on all sheets and is
the topmost element....

Tried to insert this in the master definition, but as a picture is
inserted on the slide, this cannot be sent "behind the master".
(Office 2003)
I'm not familiar with VBA, but I can paste the code :DDD
Thanks for any help!

Do you need some thing like this? I couldn't actually get why can't you put
the image in master itself? Also I just guessed that you need the image to be
in topmost element.

Sub MakeStamp()
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
With ActivePresentation.Slides(i)
With .Shapes.AddPicture("stamp.jpg", msoFalse, msoTrue, 20, 20)
.ZOrder (msoBringToFront)
End With
End With
Next i
End Sub
Do you need some thing like this? I couldn't actually get why can't you put
the image in master itself? Also I just guessed that you need the image tobe
in topmost element.

Sub MakeStamp()
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
    With ActivePresentation.Slides(i)
        With .Shapes.AddPicture("stamp.jpg", msoFalse, msoTrue, 20, 20)
            .ZOrder (msoBringToFront)
        End With
    End With
Next i
End Sub

- Zitierten Text anzeigen -

Hi vindys,

thnaks for your reply, I guess my description was some kind of
misleading. I meant, I can insert a picture in the master, but in the
editing environment, these pictures always stay behind (like a
watermark or so). Meanwhile I tried, and could write a macro, where a
textbox is placed on all slides by buttonpress. This textbox can
feature custom text as well.
I created a popup in the tools-Menu which contains three
commandbuttons. (instert standard text, insert custom text - inputbox
for text, and remove stamps - textboxes are named). Now I'd like to
control wheter these buttons are enabled or disabled, by checking
wheter there is a stamp placed or not. My problem is, when I call the
"newpcontrol.Enabled" in a different procedure then where they were
created, the definitions are not set. I've tried to declare them as
public on module-level, but this didn't help....
So the next question is: how can I pass a variable between the

Thank you for the AddPicture method, next will be to insert a "real"
