insert slide on the fly (i.e., during a presentation)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tsugazi
  • Start date Start date


Hi folks, I'm trying to find a way to insert a new, blank slide during a
powerpoint presentation. I use a tablet pc, and want the ability to insert a
slide during a presentation instead of switching my writing to a whiteboard
(this will also allow me to remember what I wrote in class!). However, I've
searched the web and haven't found a solution that works consistent. I tried
following the directions posted here
but I can't get the Visual Basic script to work if I save it in the Master
View in a new document template.

Any suggestions? I think this would be a great solution for more folks to
have access to; I know my colleagues here would find it very useful.


XP Tablet PC
PowerPoint 2003
Gateway 285E (1.6 Ghtz Centrino duo)
Unfortunately, saving VBA to a template doesn't work with PowerPoint.
You will have to either set up an add-in (which is computer-specific so
if you switch computers, you will have to install it on the other
computer), or incorporate the VBA into each show manually. You'll also
have to be sure that whatever computer you run it on has macros enabled
(probably by setting macro security to medium within PowerPoint).
There are a lot of easier ways to get the results you want. Have you tried
"meeting minder" and "speaker notes" in PowerPoint?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress
Thank you both for your suggestions.

Re: Austin's comments
PPT 2003 no longer has 'meeting minder' according the Microsoft website, so
I'm not certain whether that would solve my problem. The 'speaker notes'
would work fine if I were taking notes myself during my own presentation.
However, the issue I'm looking to solve is how I can add in a blank slide
that I can then write on (and preserve) so I can summarize points for
students on the go. I would prefer not having to end the ppt presentation in
order to add another slide, then start the presentation at that point and
continue on with my lecture. While I can switch my screen to black or white
and write on the screen there, the images are not captured by ppt.

Re: David's comments
I think you suggestion for an add-in would work well. Unfortunately, I
don't know how to create an add-in and would appreciate any directions or
tips you have for creating an add-in.

I appreciate both of your comments and hope that can add more to this
conversation. I know my need is relatively trivial, but when you only have a
short period of time to cover material in class, any time wasted fiddling
around with ppt is time students aren't getting the opportunity to learn

Adding a slide to a running presentation is no small task and requires a
fair bit of coding. How about if you have a slide that is NOT part of the
normal presentation (Make it the first slide of the show and then start the
show on the second slide) and then jump to it when needed?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress
To add to Austin's reponse:

I have done what you need, though not exactly the work flow you describe.

I insert blank slides at the end of my presentation. Quite a few actually...
When I need to get into more detail about something I jump to a blank slide
(type in the slide number and hit enter) do my hand drawings, and then jump
back to where I was using the slide number and Enter trick.

You have to keep track of which blank slides you've used, and where you are
in the presentation when you've jumped out... I'm sure there is automatic
ways of keeping track of this, but I just write them down as I do them.

Hope this helps!