insert row...with reference

  • Thread starter Thread starter pabs
  • Start date Start date


I have a worksheet with a a list of names in it (name). and anothe
sheet (persInfo) with all the information pertinent to all the peopl
in the "name" worsksheet.

in the "persInfo" worksheet I simply make refernce to each person usin
the following formula

the next row will have

and so on....

my problem is if I insert a row in the "name" worksheet it does no
update it in the "persInfo" worksheet

let's say I insert a name at row 10 in my "name" worksheet
In my "persInfo" it will now go from
='name'!A9 to ='name'!A11.
normally it would have been ='name'!A9 and ='name'!A10

it skips the row that was added.
I would like to be able to have the new rider added ...what Am


Hi John. Actually I have a similar situation. I have a list of names beginning in A15 on sheet(1A). The same names are added to GrPg(1A) beginning in A4 and autofilled on down using formula =IF('1A'!A15=0,"",'1A'!A15). When I add a row on source sheet (1A), I have to add a row on GrPg(1A). I'm not sure I understand the parts of your formula. Will it help me?
